So, you want to get your employee(s) a gift, but you aren't sure what to get them. You want them to like the gift but aren't sure what exactly the employee would want, right? This is a normal stressor for many companies and HR departments, so much so that we are creating a nice list of gifts for you. Check them out below!
1. Employee Gift Box
Giving a personalized gift will always be much appreciated by an employee. Not exactly sure which specific product to get? No problem! Send a box full of gift items to show you are thankful for them. This can include anything from snacks, candles, books, clothing, etc. Check out PeopleProud for more employee gifting ideas!
2. Offering PTO
What's better than giving an employee a day off? Many employers are now giving all of their employees "rest days" where they can take a break from work. Try offering some more PTO to your clients so they can refresh their mind and body.
3. Pay Raise / Bonus
We all work to get a paycheck. If we had unlimited income, your employees would most likely not be working for you. Try to give your employee a pay raise, bonus, or even a gift card to a nice restaurant.
4. Work Flexibility
We all are loving the Work-From-Home Life these days, especially because employees have the freedom to do what they need to do throughout the work day. Weather its go to a doctors appointment, go grocery shopping, go for a run during the lunch hour... it gives employees more freedom to do things between the hours of 8 am - 5 pm.
5. A Travel Voucher
Many companies are now giving their employees a "voucher" towards a vacation. For example, Calendly gives each employees a $1,000 stipend to help with travel expenses. How cool is that?
Searching for the best gift can be tough for companies and HR departments. Don't stress too much and send your employees one of the 5 gifts listed above. We promise they will love it.
Author: Samantha Farley
Founder of PeopleProud