The Best Gifts for Account Based Marketing

The Best Gifts for Account Based Marketing

Account-Based Marketing (ABM) has become increasingly popular in recent years, as businesses seek to target specific accounts with personalized campaigns.

One key element of successful ABM is gifting. By sending thoughtful and relevant gifts to key decision-makers at target accounts, companies can build relationships and ultimately win business. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of ABM gifting and provide tips for creating a successful gifting strategy.

Benefits of ABM Gifting:

1. Builds relationships: Gifting is a great way to show potential clients that you care about their business and are willing to invest time and resources to win their trust. It can help you establish a personal connection with decision-makers at target accounts.

2. Increases response rates: Sending a gift can increase your chances of getting a response from a potential client. It can be a powerful way to get your foot in the door and start a conversation.

3. Differentiates you from the competition: By sending a thoughtful and personalized gift, you can stand out from your competitors who may be using more traditional marketing tactics.

Tips for Creating a Successful ABM Gifting Strategy:

1. Define your target accounts: Before you start gifting, you need to define which accounts you want to target that best fit your business.

2. Build a Strategy: Create a 4-8 step strategy to build trust with your target accounts. The amount of steps is determined on value & potential size of deal. 

3. Timing: Timing is everything in ABM gifting. Consider the timing of your gift carefully. For example, you may want to send a gift at the beginning of a sales cycle to get your foot in the door, or at the end of a successful deal to show your appreciation. You can also send gifts on special occasions, such as holidays or company milestones.

4. Value: The value of your gift should be appropriate to the level of engagement with the target account. You don't want to send a high-value gift to an account that has just entered your pipeline, as this can be seen as too aggressive. On the other hand, a low-value gift may not be appreciated by a long-term target account. Strike a balance and consider what would be seen as a thoughtful and valuable gesture.

5. Branding: Don't forget to include your branding in your gift. This is a great way to reinforce your company's message and brand, and to remind the target account of your company's value proposition. Consider including your logo or a personalized message with your gift.

6. Follow-up: Follow up with your target accounts after sending a gift. This is a great opportunity to continue the conversation and to build on the relationship that you have started with the gift. Ask for feedback on the gift, or follow up with a personalized note. 

Overall, Account Based Marketing brings in a higher ROI. 73% of marketers said they saw an increase in average deal size while focusing on Account Based Marketing. 

Need assistance while creating your Account Based Marketing Strategy? 

Contact the folks at to assist with your Gift Box creation!

Samantha Farley


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